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Walk In The Spirit

Oh God, teach us to walk in the Spirit,
And keep our minds focused on You,
For we know that we shall give an account
Of everything we say and do.

Direct our footsteps on the path we trod
Keep us ever faithful and true;
Sanctify our lips - may we speak only
Those things that are pleasing to You.

Our greatest desire is to do Your will,
And carry Truth throughout the land
So if we should stray and walk in the flesh,
Correct us with Your chastening hand;

Convict our wayward souls and keep us pure,
Help us to walk the narrow way -
It is there we find bountiful blessings...
Walking in the Spirit each day.

Lord, teach us to Walk in the Spirit!

Poem written and copyrighted by
Connie Campbell Bratcher

I would like to thank Connie for her kind permission to display this poem on my site.
Please visit her site at and read more of her fantastic work.

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